Sunday, March 12, 2006

St.Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is secularly known as Green Day or Irish Day. It is originally a religious catholic day as a remembrances of St. Patrick, the second saints of Ireland. St.Patrick was a pagan that became closer to God after experiencing slavery for six years. What a good point to make that sometimes we finally listens to God when we hit the rock bottom. Something to rejoyce about. He went to a monastery under the St. Germain, bishop of Auxerre in Ireland. Although he spent most of the missionary activities in Ireland, he was not originally from Ireland. He was born in Scotland in AD 385.

St. Patrick was almost a legend for the Irish. Some stories related to him are the snakes, Leprechaun the Celtic fairy, three-leaves shamrock, and the Brigit the goddess of healing and farming. It might be related as a celebration of the return of Spring and the beginning of farming season. His mission in Ireland lasted for thirty years. After that time, Patrick retired to County Down. He died on March 17 in AD 461, and the day was celebrated as St.Patrick's Day ever since.

Those are the original stories from Ireland. The celebration came to America in 1737 by the first celebration in Boston. In Chicago,1962, people started to celebrate by adding 100 pounds of vegetable dye to the river, to keep it green for a week.

St. Patrick’s day celebration includes parades,festivals, beer and food!!! Among them are stew lamb, guiness and Irish wiskey with coffee.

Review in detail from:
St. Patrick’s Day, custom and history
St. Patrick’s Day 2003 Festival, Dublin, Ireland
History of St. Patrick’s Day


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